Our top ten safety tips

Dating and getting out and meeting new people is great fun, but make sure you do it safely!

  1. Be a bit coy about your real identity - pick a username which isn’t your proper full name, and set up another email account, gmail maybe, just for dating

  2. Photograph – having a great photo is really important for dating, but don’t use the brilliant one that you also use in your professional life as you can be traced through that

  3. Make your first date is in a public place – busy, bustley places are great for first dates and preferably not just round the corner from where you live. Don’t be tempted to invite people to your place, or to go to theirs – and keep an eye on your drink, wherever you are

  4. Make sure someone knows where you are going – wherever you choose, make sure a friend knows where you will be and at what time

  5. Don’t give out too many details to be begin with – even if you’re getting on really well, don’t reveal your exact place of work or where you live – there’s plenty of time for that later

  6. Have enough money to get home – if you meet someone, and you don’t exactly hit it off, it may be awkward to have to wait at the same bus stop or walk to the same tube station – better to have some money to jump into a cab, even if it’s only to another tube station

  7. Make sure your mobile is working – mobile phones are essential for safe dating – being stuck somewhere with a dead phone is not a barrel of laughs

  8. NEVER give anyone any money – yes, it’s the oldest trick in the book but sadly scammers do prey on people looking to have fun. NEVER EVER give money to someone you have never met, no matter how plausible the sob story

  9. Enjoy, but trust your gut – if you feel uncomfortable with somebody, your gut feeling could be right – don’t be pressurised to do anything.

  10. Report any unpleasant behaviour to the management team 

So now you know all that, go off and have fun Doing Something!

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